Elements of an effective print ad
You can’t neglect or refuse papers people still buy newspaper, magazines, people still distribute pamphlets etc and they love to explore details mentioned. They use them on frequent basis. Below given details specifies an effective print media should be Attractive colours enlightens mood. Just don’t give it a boring look when you are specially focusing on ad given for client’s product and services.80% off/- it’s strong but should not be fake. Headlines are always highlighted so keep ready your mind that what you will opt to put there to take 2precious minutes of your audience.Ads should be given in order to attract customer’s attention towards products and services. It should be able to improve sales.Ads need to be engaged with the targeted people. The more you know your audience the better you can position your marketing message money earn app.

Offers should be highlighted Irresistible offers, mouth watering discounts or ethical to make people come to you. Offers should not be written in small sizes or letters but it should be large and beautifully mentioned so that all attention directly falls on offers. Tracking mechanism Includes a proper tracking mechanism to manage leads such as landing page, dedicated phone no or coupons. Visual elements It includes beautiful views and pictures that illustrate the message of the headlines. Call to actionLike free gifts, rewards, coupons, surprises, benefits, like limited seats, offers, quantity or already sold only 10pcs left with us.
Right after showing your ad you give certain toll free numbers like 1800 00something where for any inquiry or for more details or further details customers can call at this number or visit at this website or can follow us at @twitter or facebook or whichever address you have given to your audiences
One hundred percent success of any enterprise comes only when the staffs are coordinating. Staff and their work means a lot to organisation, getting work done properly there must be healthy relation should be established, accurate salary, proper working environment, rights to take initiatives are all some important points. Your staff should be of cooperating nature, work well together, understand each other roles, and should be able to rely on each other. Staffs should be selected very wisely because all work done depends on their professionalism and talent and if they are particularly not expertise at their field then you may lose clients due to lack of specialisation which is required in this field. Here at advertising agency you require almost expertise person in every field. important to recognise and address the problem money earning application